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Employer Value Proposition

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Creating a Company Employee Value Proposition

We believe in creating EVPs by using the premise that it’s not a one-way broadcast of strengths, benefits, and opportunities but a value exchange that clearly articulates what a company wants, needs, expects, and demands in return for the spoils on offer. It’s a two-way street. If you can communicate that message effectively by illustrating what it’s really like, how someone is likely to feel, and what they must be prepared for on any given day, people are far more equipped to make an informed decision as to whether they have what it takes to thrive there and whether they want to take on the challenge.

For an organisation that appreciates the value of happy, productive people to achieve business success, this approach is extremely valuable. The beauty of this is, 49 percent of candidates consciously cite knowing what it’s really like to work somewhere as the number one obstacle to changing jobs. And 66 percent of candidates want to know about the culture and values most of all.

We call this mutual value exchange the Give and the Get. It’s important to articulate the give because it enables you to qualify applicants before they apply. Embracing the things that people need to be prepared to face, such as working lean or being ready to embrace a consensus-driven organisation, enables you to repel anyone who isn’t up for working that way.

If a conventional employer brand is all about talent attraction, our methodology focuses on repelling the many to compel the few.

Give and Get

Our Give and Get approach to EVP outlines exactly what is required from the employee (the Give) and what they will get in return for their commitment (the Get).

It repels the many and compels the few with impactful storytelling that inspires purpose and belonging to attract and retain talent.

Let's Talk Employee Value Proposition

The Components of the Best EVPs

Sought-after EVPs have a few things in common, let's take a look:

  • It’s concise and easily understood.
  • It suggests the cultural values of the organisation.
  • It highlights a primary principle that’s considered most important to everyone.
  • It articulates the behavior you might expect to find.
  • It clarifies both the promise to each individual and what contribution is expected from every individual too—what each individual must give and what they get in return.
  • Most of all, it contains a sense of purpose, impact, and belonging.

Most companies can check off some of these boxes, but not all. Perhaps your EVP suggests cultural values but doesn’t articulate a sense of purpose, or maybe it articulates the behavior employees can expect to find but isn’t concise.

In our experience, the component that is missing most often is what contribution is expected from every individual. Many companies include only the benefits and opportunities they provide to employees, without ever detailing what they expect in return. This is critical information that applicants need in order to determine whether they will be able to succeed and thrive at a company.


What attributes might show up in an EVP?

  • Supportive teammates or leaders
  • Minimal politics
  • Challenging work
  • Consensus heavy culture
  • Freedom and autonomy to get things done
  • Impact
  • Innovation
  • Generous compensation.
  • Work-life balance.
  • Job stability.
  • Remote work.
  • Health insurance.
  • Paid family and maternity leave.
  • Stock options.
  • Bonuses.
  • Growth opportunities.
  • Mentoring.
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Why Does Your Organisation Need an EVP?

The benefits of a thoughtful and attractive EVP are wide-reaching. EVPs are known to reduce turnover and improve company profits by boosting workplace morale and productivity. When you successfully communicate what it's like to work with your company, you attract and hire candidates who feel at home working for your organisation and value the benefits your SME offers.

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Signs Your Organisation Needs to Revamp Its EVP

If your SME is experiencing any of the following, it might be time to refresh your EVP:

  • Your EVP is outdated or inaccurate.
  • You need help attracting talented candidates.
  • Your company has a high turnover rate.
  • You have had vacant job roles for a while.
  • You need a consistent workplace culture.
  • Your SME could benefit from defined brand values.
  • Your company needs more diversity.
  • Your business priorities have shifted.
  • You regularly receive employee complaints.
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How Ph.Creative Unlocks a Magnetic EVP

We take a collaborative approach to developing your EVP. First, we determine what's important to your current employees through surveys and one-on-one interviews. We also identify your organisation's key strengths and competitive edge. 

Once we've identified what offerings attract and retain current employees, we pin down your company's core values and unique selling points (USPs). We then develop a one-of-a-kind, compelling EVP that communicates your company mission and demonstrates what it's like to work for your organisation to attract suitable candidates.

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We help brilliant businesses define their EVP

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Partner With a Globally Top-Rated Employee Value Proposition Agency

Developing an EVP has never been easier. At Ph.Creative, we specialize in helping organisations unlock their perfect EVP with our comprehensive employee value proposition consulting services.

Ready to commit? Book a meeting with one of our employer branding strategists today.

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