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Well designed job pages - the key to hiring the best





SEO, Talent Attraction

What Makes a Good Careers Page?

Are you doing all you can to create job pages that bring you the perfect candidates for your business or grow your candidate pool? You sure about that? There’s plenty of businesses and organisations that aren’t.

That’s why we’ve collaborated with Beamery, our partners, to create Job Page Grader. It gets under the bonnet of your job pages and gives you a stack of insights to make them better, and we invite you to give it a try. We think you’ll be surprised, and, unlike some other tools out there that analyse some of the same metrics, (we’re looking at you, Textio, Grammarly, and tapRecruit), Job Page Grader is a complete and comprehensive tool for creating better job pages and gets the best candidates to apply for your opportunities. And we’ve developed it for free, as a gift to the industry, so what’s not to like?

Well designed job pages - the key to hiring the best

It’s just a job advert, why all the fuss?

Well, the world of candidate attraction is enormously competitive. Cutthroat, to be honest. And if your organisation isn’t amplifying its employer brand via every candidate touchpoint, especially via job pages, then you’ll be lost in the crowd, spending far too much time sifting through applications from poor quality candidates that don’t have the cultural fit or expertise that you’re looking for.

This may come as a bit of a bombshell, but it’s hugely important to remember that your job pages are your key landing pages. It’s the reason we’ve created Job Page Grader. Your job pages are extremely likely to be the first page of your website that a candidate will see. They’ll come to the page via any one of a variety of job listing sites, adverts, or shared links, and it’s vital that you give them a richly engaging experience. First impressions, and all that…

Well-designed job pages help you just as much as they help candidates. They tell the story of who you are as an employer, so the candidate gets a flavour of what it will be like working for you and learns about your culture, values, and aspirations. Provide rich and engaging job pages that address some of the pain points that candidates may be experiencing elsewhere, and which touches on some of the harsh realities of life in your organisation. You’ll inspire those candidates that are looking for a challenge and can see how they can add value for you, and you’ll repel those that are just kicking the tires. Win-win.

There are some things that you might not be able to change - such as your server, or the code that’s built your website, but in terms of the content that candidates will see, well, that’s entirely under your control, and we’ll show you how to make it the best it can be. We’ll show you how to write the perfect job description, reveal the additional rich content that your candidates will thank you for, and how to be Google-ready to attract the best candidates. Oh, and we can help with the server and code stuff too, we build award-winning careers websites, after all, so don’t hesitate to ask!

Lessons from Hollywood

Some of the elements of a great job page may sound a little daunting - readability, sentiment, gender bias, optimisation, engagement, conversion - but don’t panic! We’ll be looking at each of these, and more, in straightforward terms to help you do all you can to create a high-performing job page.
Let’s get the ball rolling by looking at what to put on your job pages in terms of words. When it comes to the actual wording of the job page there’s a queue of people lined up to tell you what to include. We suggest you sidestep them all and follow our proven formula for driving engagement and action with your ads. It’s based on a Hollywood story-telling formula that we’ve refined to resonate with candidates no matter what your available opportunity. And it really works.

Simple and straightforward, this formula makes sure you end up with a job description that’s so much more engaging and interesting to read than a long list of requirements and responsibilities. Candidates will actually want to read it!

Plus when you then add in some rich content that talks more about your location, your team, and your business then we’re really cooking up something special. Especially when you then add in all the right sentiment, maximise the readability and ramp up the search optimisation... but... that’s for another blog!

Keep an eye out for the next blog in this series, when we’ll be looking at some of the main elements that our Job Page Grader analyses - search engine optimisation, page performance, engagement, and conversion - breaking them down into advice that’s simple to understand and implement.

In the meantime, make sure you visit and see how some of your job pages measure up. Happy grading!

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