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How TikTok is Reshaping Talent Acquisition Strategies

3 min read.


Lois Payne Lois Payne



Employer Branding, Talent Attraction

If you still think TikTok is just for duets, lip-syncing and dancing tweens then we need to have a talk…

As of 2022, TikTok has over 1 billion active monthly users and more of them are branching out into the world of work.

These days the platform is flooded with careers advice, job interview tips, recruiters sharing their expertise, and yes, still the dancing stuff. The hashtag “jobsearch” has amassed 1.5 billion views and counting, while #CareerTok has more than 780 million views.

Discussing organisations in an increasingly competitive labour market, Ed Nathanson, Vice President of Talent and Talent Branding at pharmaceutical company EQRx says: “Organisations have to look current. And what better way to do that than embrace the platform that is crushing everybody else, that is the fastest growing, that has the most engagement?”

Punchy, story-telling videos carry an edge with young audiences that traditional job descriptions lack.

“It gets them to put the brakes on and say, ‘I want to see what this is,’” he adds. “And then in a fun, unique, non-corporate lobotomy type of way, it expresses a sentiment in a very quick digestible 15-second video.

The point being, if you’re not using TikTok to complement your careers website and up the ante of your employer brand, you are missing a golden opportunity.

Why you should use TikTok for Employer Brand

1. Get ahead of the curve

While almost all recruiters use LinkedIn to seek out talent, far fewer have turned their attention to the creative and engaging tools that TikTok has to offer. Studies have shown that organisations with an integrated approach to talent sourcing have an 87% greater chance of bagging the best talent.

Nathanson notes: “People are really not using TikTok. And people still don't understand the platform. And it's going to be the future of social media if it isn't already.”

2. Tap into a specific talent pool

If you’re looking to target Gen Z audience or connect with fresh grads, apprentices, and entry level talent, TikTok is the perfect platform. 10–29-year-olds make up nearly half of TikTok’s audience.

3. Video content is important

According to LinkedIn, nearly 80% of hiring managers think that video has become more important when it comes to interacting with talent.

4. Widen your reach

TikTok now has more active monthly users than Twitter, so it’s not to be discounted as a way to get your employer brand noticed.

5. It’s free

Making short, creative videos costs your organisation nothing, but the benefit to your talent sourcing could be huge.

So, now you’re convinced that TikTok is worth your time, here are some popular trends you can leverage to explode your employer brand efforts.

Three ways to use TikTok to widen your Employer Brand reach

1. Share “behind the scenes” videos

This is your chance to show potential candidates what your organisation is all about. Offer them an #nofilter glimpse into what make your organisation special, that perhaps they wouldn’t normally get to see. You can tailor this in many directions, depending on your business.

Got a groovy workspace? Show it off.

Got a corporate gym or free salad bar? Film it.

Working on an interesting project? Take a snapshot.

Have a thriving, inclusive team culture? Let your audience see it in action.

Here’s a great example from the world’s leading Esports company Fnatic:

Watch the video here

Think people don’t care what your office looks like? Think again. The hashtag ‘officetour’ has more than 120 million views.

2. Promote internship opportunities

Does your company run an internship programme?

Due to its largely younger audience, who may feel intimidated by traditional job sites like LinkedIn, TikTok is the perfect platform to market entry-level opportunities in a snappy, original way.

This example by Penguin Random House has over 7000 likes:

Watch the video here

The simple video format uses some of TikTok’s engaging built-in features such as music, appearing text and superimposed background, while an employee shares the key details of the opportunity.

3. Extend your employee advocacy approach

You already know how impactful it can be when employees share their positive experiences of an organisation. According to Smarp, employee shared messages reach 561% further than corporate social media messaging.

TikTok is a great way to expand your current approach to employee advocacy and have some fun doing it.

Pro Tip: If your organisation isn’t comfortable posting on TikTok, you can still use the platform as a video creation tool and share the content on other media.

Check out this TikTok style video on Ed Nathanson’s LinkedIn:

Watch the video here

Discussing the non-traditional format of the post, he says: “It's personality, it’s current. It's not hammering people over the head with corporate speak.”

Here’s another example from a Google employee:

Watch the video here

In the video, which has racked up over four million views, Jules Monica shows herself enjoying free lunch, taking a meeting in the Harry Potter Conference Room and going out with her co-workers. In one clip she successfully highlights the perks, workspace and team culture at Google.

Pro Tip: Try creating short interview-style videos of employees, levelling out what they like most about the job with what their greatest challenge is.

By rounding out your representation, your videos will act as a smart filter, encouraging unsuitable candidates to steer clear.

Some Final Thoughts…

Making TikTok’s doesn’t have to be a big effort. And it’s not just for the office extrovert, either. There are ways to leverage the platform’s tools for maximum engagement and minimal effort.

While TikTok’s creative and trendy format won’t be for every organisation, for some it will become a vital tool in bolstering employer brand in the years to come.

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