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How to Maximise your Year-End Budget

2 min read.



Employer Branding

Well, it’s that time of year again. Budget planning for 2025-2026 is in full swing, and you’re staring down whatever’s left of this year’s budget. The all-important question: where do you spend it?

What We’re Hearing

The trend is obvious. We’re seeing a massive uplift in clients who want to spend their budget on content creation across all digital platforms, as well as owned, earned and paid media.

Creating quality content takes time, and small teams with limited resources need support. By investing in content now, they’re producing fresh, engaging material that connects with their audiences.

Where to Spend Your Budget

Here's the thing, content creation is a pretty broad category in employer branding. So if you’re not sure where to start, here’s a simple tip — focus on your immediate aims.

What’s the most pressing area for you right now? For example:

• Website getting virtual tumbleweeds? Funnel some budget towards replacing outdated content. Improve your careers page, refine your SEO, and start producing regular blog content.

• Struggling to fill specific roles? Invest in targeted paid campaigns and persona relevant content for your website and organic social channels

• Social media presence feeling about as lively as an extra from Shaun of the Dead? Resurrect it by investing in a solid strategy and regular, fresh content.

• Brand no longer accurately reflecting your organisation? Plan for a brand refresh. Focus on internal buy-in before activating with external talent.

Stretching Your Budget

We get it — budgets have been all over the place this year. Our recent poll showed that while about a third of you are enjoying a boost in resources, another third is feeling the pinch.

If you’re in the latter group, here are a few tips to help you stretch your remaining budget as far as possible.

1. Collaborate with Your Agency

If you have an agency partner, work with them to identify tasks you can support in-house to save costs.

2. Engage Eager Talent

Involve interns or apprentices in content creation. This demographic tend to be enthusiastic and eager to contribute. Why not harness those bright eyes and bushy tails to bring fresh ideas and invigorate your content?

3. Repurpose Content

Original content is great, but frying your brain cells trying to create it all the time is unnecessary. Especially when you can get great engagement by repurposing across different platforms. That blog post? Turn it into social posts. Those social posts? Paid ad material.

Okay, hopefully by now you have a clearer idea of where you should direct your year-end budget.

By prioritising smart content investments and making the most of these tips, you'll make a powerful impact — even on a tighter budget.

Need advice on where to spend your budget? Don't be shy! Book a call with our client services team.


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