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6 SEO Trends Every Employer Brander Should Know

3 min read.




We get it— the mention of SEO (search engine optimisation) has some of you slowly backing into the hedge Homer-Simpson-style saying, ‘nope, not today.’

But think about it: what good is your painstakingly beautiful careers site if it won’t load? Or your employee blog content if the right people can’t find it?

As intimidating as SEO might feel, there are simple things you can do to improve it. And it will make a huge difference to your recruitment marketing efforts.

Let’s break down what trends employer branders and TA professionals need to know based on the SEJ’s 2025 State of SEO report.

Algorithm changes 

SEO can feel like a moving target, especially with algorithm updates constantly altering search results. For employer branding, staying visible despite the changes is super important.

To keep your job postings and brand content in front of potential candidates, focus on flexible SEO strategies. Regularly update your job postings, invest in evergreen content, and make sure your site is fast and mobile-friendly.

Budget constraints

Working within a tight budget can be a real challenge when it comes to SEO. Talent Acquisition teams often have to make every penny count, so you’ve got to be smart about where you spend.

Look for the SEO wins that give you the most for your money. Optimise your job postings with the right keywords and make sure your career pages are set up for success on search engines. Lean on organic strategies, like tweaking existing content, and keep an eye on analytics so you know what’s working (and what isn’t) without blowing the budget.

AI and SEO

AI is affecting the SEO game, changing how content gets ranked in search results. It’s not just about traditional searches anymore— AI-generated content and the integration of AI into search platforms will affect how your content ranks.

To stay ahead, start thinking about how your content speaks to both people and machines. Focus on creating job postings and brand content that feel genuine, while making sure it’s structured in a way AI systems can understand. Tailor your content to match the way AI prioritizes things like natural language and context.

Quality content and link building

Creating content that others actually want to link to is a sure way to boost your SEO and make your employer brand more visible. High-quality articles or guides can build credibility and improve your rankings.

If you want to get backlinks, focus on producing content that people find valuable—like deep dives into industry trends or behind-the-scenes looks at your company culture. When your content feels like a go-to resource, other sites will want to link to it, and that can make your job postings stand out.

Technical SEO and soft skills

Good SEO isn’t just about the right keywords. There’s a lot of behind-the-scenes work like making sure your career site is fast, secure, and works well on mobile.

But technical skills alone won’t cut it. To get the most out of your SEO efforts, your team needs to work well together across departments. Marketing, HR, and IT all need to be on the same page. Having a team that can communicate and collaborate smoothly will take your SEO strategy to the next level. If you need help on the technical side, bring in outside experts so your team can focus on what they do best.

Rising competition

With more companies getting clued up on SEO, competition in search results is only going to heat up. Add in AI, and the content creation game just got more complicated. So, how do you make sure your job postings get noticed in all that noise?

Start by making your job descriptions clear, keyword-optimised, and compelling enough to stand out. Think about using AI tools to scope out what your competitors are doing and find areas where you can shine. The more tailored and engaging your content, the more likely candidates are to find and connect with your brand.

And finally...

At Ph.Creative, we know how to craft SEO strategies that make your employer brand stand out. Whether you need help optimising your careers site, sharpening your content, or boosting your rankings, we’re here to help you reach the talent you’re after.

Let’s talk about how we can improve your recruitment strategy.


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