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Why you Should Change Your Measurements to Stay Relevant

If you always use the same metrics to measure your Employer Brand you may not be optimising your efforts. For maximum return, they must align with current business priorities...

Employer Branding, Brand Authenticity, Employer Branding Research, Measuring Employer Brand, Employer Brand Metrics Feb 16 2 min read
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Employers with Thriving Workers Get these 5 Things Right

Since 2022 was the year of ‘quiet quitting’ (and other unhelpful ‘quiet’ goings on) and engagement levels have sunk to worrying depths, it is safe to assume you are ready for a more optimistic term.

Employer Branding Feb 16 2 min read
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We are family! Or are we?

Creating a comfortable and inclusive culture is a key talent attractor and parallels with being a 'family' are often easily made, but could that ultimately sour employee relations?

Employer Branding, Talent Attraction, Brand Authenticity, Employee Value Proposition, Talent Retention Feb 09 3 min read
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Your Organisation is not for Everyone, Celebrate That

If you describe your employee experience, and talk about the concept of a challenge, or harsh reality in your workplace, it should repel 50% of your audience. Here’s why…

Employer Branding, Talent Attraction, Brand Authenticity, Employee Value Proposition, Employer Branding Research Feb 09 3 min read
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Best Examples of Employer Brand Videos

To keep abreast with the wants and needs of current talent, organisations increasingly have to find fresh, innovative ways to attract newcomers. Many are turning their attention to the power of video…

Employer Branding Feb 09 2 min read
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Why Great Employer Branding is Only for the Brave

If you want to develop world-class employer branding based on authenticity and truth you will need to be brave. It's not easy, but put these principles into practice and you will get there...

Employer Branding, Measuring Employer Brand, Employer Branding Research Feb 02 2 min read
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