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Blog Post 10

Career Websites: Site structures that tell your story

Part 1: Tell your story... Site structure and category pages To get the right eyes onto your job ads, and get your business moving forward, it’s vital to pay attention to Search Engine Optimization to

SEO, Careers Insider Oct 15
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Blog Post 10 Copy

What your careers website needs to be successful

Part 5: What your careers website needs to be successful To wrap up this short series of blogs, it’s time to cut to the chase. What are the ingredients you need to throw into the mix to end up with a…

Talent Attraction, Career Sites Oct 08
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Blog Post 12

Maintaining a global multilingual careers website

Part 4: Maintaining a global multilingual careers website The war for talent isn’t local, or even regional. It’s global. The best candidates are in demand all around the world, and they can pick and…

Talent Attraction, Career Sites Sep 22
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Blog Post 13

Where tech and diversity meet

Part 3: Where tech and diversity meet Ensuring there’s equal opportunity for anyone and everyone to apply to join your business isn’t just a nice thing to do. It makes great business sense to build a…

Talent Attraction, Career Sites Sep 02
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Blog Post 14

Candidate experience vs Google experience

Part 2: Candidate Experience vs Google Experience Introduction It’s getting harder and harder to remember life before Google! Much like any make of vacuum cleaner is referred to as a ‘Hoover’, or any…

Talent Attraction, Career Sites Aug 20
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Blog Post 15

What’s the purpose of a careers website today?

Part 1: What’s the purpose of a careers website today? Introduction Your careers website has an increasingly vital role to play in your talent attraction activities. Rather than just an online notice…

Talent Attraction, Career Sites Aug 03
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