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Employalty F 3D Book Oct 3

Is Fixing Your Leaders the Answer to Talent Retention?

How important is leadership when it comes to talent retention? Author Joe Mull's new book argues that it essential to creating the fertile conditions for keeping people. But is it enough on its own?

Employer Branding, Talent Attraction, Talent Retention, Employee Value Proposition, Quiet Quitting Mar 22
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Is your Employer Brand Attractive or Compelling?

To reel in new recruits, most organisations are engaged in a perpetual game of one-upmanship, too busy to take stock of whether what they are offering has real substance and whether it is drawing in…

Employer Branding Mar 15 2 min read
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Giphy (16)

Employer Brand isn’t about recruiting, it’s this…

The real value that you will get from your Employer Brand isn’t about recruitment. This is what it is really about….

Employer Branding, Measuring Employer Brand, Employer Brand Metrics, Quiet Quitting Mar 09 2 min read
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Why “Red Flags” in Job Descriptions are Not as Bad as You Think

Recent research from Revelio Labs has revealed that so-called “red flag” language in job descriptions is on the up. That’s phrases like "can multitask," "fast-paced environment," "must handle stress"…

Employer Branding Mar 08 3 min read
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Blog IWD

21 Powerful Lessons from Female Leaders at Ph. Creative

Two words: girl power. At the time of writing, Ph. Creative has a 50/50 representation of men and women in its senior leadership team and we think that's worth celebrating.

Employer Branding Mar 07
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6 Telling Signs you Need an Employer Brand Strategy

There are many misconceptions about employer branding. The most common being that “doing” employer branding equals creating job posts, “we are hiring!” flyers and social media content about the…

Employer Branding Mar 06 2 min read
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