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Crafting an Exceptional EVP: Standing Out to Top Talent

If your EVP looks and sounds like every other cookie-cutter value proposition out there, it’s not going to appeal to the stand-out, top-performing talent you are looking for.

Employer Branding Jun 07 2 min read
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5 Signs You Need to Refresh your Employer Brand

Summer and Spring are all about refreshing and renewal. The first buds of spring lead the way to the glory of summer. The only constant is change. But what if we told you that renewal and adaptability

Employer Branding Jun 05 2 min read
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Exit Strategy

Why Employee Exit Strategies Matter

Onboarding processes are now an obligatory component of HR policy, but you are making a serious error if you are not putting similar efforts into how people leave your company. Here's why...

Employer Branding, Talent Attraction Jun 01 2 min read
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Stats That Make a Watertight Case for Your Employer Brand Project

To convince senior leadership to buy-in to your Employer Brand project, do not go naked into the debating chamber. Arm yourselves with useful stats and counter arguments that will help get you over…

Employer Branding, Employee Value Proposition May 25 4 min read
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The Key to Talent Engagement from the Experts in Employer Branding

1. Charlotte Marshall, Author and Employer Brand Leader "Have you ever watched a movie and felt your heart racing or had to wipe tears from the corner of your eyes?

Employer Branding May 24 3 min read
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Untitled Design 3

From Why to What: Designing Your Employer Brand for Impact

Many of you will be familiar with Simon Sinek and his renowned “Start with Why” video – it is still one of the most watched TedTalk’s of all time - but for those that aren't, Sinek is an author and…

Employer Branding May 24 3 min read
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Let’s Talk