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01 Measure Success Branding Efforts

How Do I Measure the Success of My Employer Branding Efforts?

Your employer brand has a greater impact than you might think. According to a 2021 study by LinkedIn, 75% of job seekers evaluate a company's employer brand before beginning an application. So if…

Employer Branding, Talent Attraction, Measuring Employer Brand, Employer Brand Metrics Nov 14
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Pattern 2

How to Lead Change Without Selling Your Soul

Driving change in a large organisation while staying true to your values and prioritising your own self-care, is no small feat but this TA leader managed just that...

Employer Branding, Wellbeing Initiatives Nov 14 4 min read
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Pattern 7

Enhancing Employee Referral Programs for Sustainable Results

Throwing money at employee referral schemes by offering bigger rewards isn't a longterm fix. There is another way to go and it will save you money, time and ultimately regrettable loss...

Employer Branding Nov 09 3 min read
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Pattern 5

How to Makeover your Employer Brand in 8 Simple Steps

Is your employer brand feeling lacklustre? To reset or refresh your employer brand and ensure you're making an impact on your talent function, you need more than just superficial changes.

Employer Branding Nov 08 2 min read
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Screenshot 2023 11 02 At 10.24.39

Hit the Sweet Spot with Your Employer Brand Positioning

A critical part of your employer brand strategy is positioning - the need to develop something that speaks directly to your identified talent audience. Finding that sweet spot is key...

Employer Branding Nov 01 2 min read
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Untitled Design (18)

Uncover Your Employer Brand DNA with the Right Research

Asking the right questions at the research stage and following them correctly will unlock the DNA  from which can be built an authentic employer brand and employee value proposition....

Employer Branding, Employer Branding Research Oct 31 2 min read
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